- The effect of frequency of mechanical treatments and the level of cultivation technology on the yielding of sugar beet 1
- The effect of full-dose rapeseed mixture „00” in the feeding of sows on hematological indices and blood minerals content 1
- The Effect of garlic oil on Lactobacillus bacteria in tests in vitro 1
- The effect of glucanase supplement, dosage and period of application upon the resulis of broiler chickens fattening 1
- The effect of herbal-mineral compounds on the level of macroelements in calf cerum 1
- The effect of herbicides on Chenopodium album L. phenology in fodder beet, spring wheat and faba bean crops 1
- The effect of herbicides on the yielding and weed infestation of edible lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.). Part II. Weed infestation 1
- The effect of herbicides on the yielding and weed infestation of edible lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.). Part I. The yielding of edible lentil 1
- The effect of hullless oats and barley on the content of abdominal fat and its fatty acid profile in broiler chicken 1
- The effect of hullless oats and barley upon the chemical composition and durability of broiler chickens tibia bones 1
- The effect of ivin on the sowing quality of cucumber seeds (Cucumis Sativus L.) 1
- The effect of lactic bacteria inoculation on the fermentation processes in sillaged potatoes 1
- The effect of leaf nutrition application on the yield of tulip bulbs cv. Apeldoorn 1
- The effect of liming on physico-chemical properties of the mineral meadow soil 1
- The effect of L-lysine and DL-methionine supplement upon blood plasma copper concentration in broiler chicks 1
- The effect of local flora on variation in airborne pollen concentrations in two districts in Lublin 1
- The effect of low temperatures (in wnter and spring) on ecotype yielding of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) 1
- The effect of magnesium on the synthesis of vitamin C in chickens 1
- The effect of maintenance system of in-pig young sows on the reproduction effects and piglets performance 1
- The effect of manganese on the synthesis of vitamin C in chickens 1
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