- The contamination of rain water in Puławy with some elements between 1978 and 1984 1
- The contamination of the urban environment by eggs of Toxocara spp. 1
- The content and composition of etheric oil in inflorescences of two varieties of dittany (Dictamnus albus L. cv. Albiflores and cv. Rosapurple) as well as secretion tissue structure 1
- The content and quantitative relations of macro-elements in multiflorous darnel fertilized with phosphoric compounds of the type of the mixtures of sueprphosphate with phosphorite dust 1
- The content and quantitative relations of mineral elements in spring barley and white mustard fertilized with ammonium amidophosphorite 1
- The content and uptake of zinc by oats grown on fields under private farming 1
- The content of Ca, P and Mg in the yearly regrowth of pastural vegetation 1
- The Content of Cu and Mo in the soil, pasturable plants and blood of cattle fromtwo localities typical of the Lublin region 1
- The content of glumes in grain of eats related to some other characters of grain 1
- The content of heavy metals in aquatic plants from different aquatic environments of the Lublin Region 1
- The content of heavy metals in the selected plants from the area of the Lublin town. Part II. Zinc, chromium and nickel 1
- The content of heavy metals in the selected plants from the area of the Lublin town. Part l. Lead, cadium and copper 1
- The content of L-Cevitamic acid in carrot and brussels sprouts depending on the pretreatment and storage time in a cooling chamber 1
- The content of macro- and micro-elements in dietetic juices from white cabbage obtained by way of enzymatic processing 1
- The content of macro- and microelements in sugar beet grown on rendzina soil in various water-fertilization conditions 1
- The content of macro-elements in multiflorous darnel fertilized with phosphorus compounds obtained by treating phosphorites with gas sulphuric trioxide 1
- The content of macro-elements in sward of an intensively used sheep pasture 1
- The content of macroelements in the undergrowth of alternate and permanent pastures in individual farms specializing in breeding dairy cattle 1
- The content of micro-elements in meadow-grass from a pasture fertilized with dungstead 1
- The content of microelements in the soil and vegetation of meadow fertilized with Lublin municipal sewage 1
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