- Effect of sulphuro versupply on selenium metabolism and selection rate of antioxidative state in the young cattle 1
- Effect of supplementing diet with expellers from evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) upon the content of lead in liver and kidneys and its fecal elimination after loading with lead acetate in broiler chickens 1
- Effect of the agrotechnical level on winter rye yield in a crop rotation and monoculture 1
- Effect of the construction of mixers on segregation and energy consumption of the process of fodder mixing 1
- Effect of the dynamics of seed germination on tomato yielding. Part I. Early yield 1
- Effect of the dynamics of seed germination on tomato yielding. Part Il. Total and marketable yield 1
- Effect of the feeding system in specialized sheep farms on the amount and structure of work expenditure and on the use of basic energy carriers as compared with agricultural income 1
- Effect of the harvest date on the yield and quality of shallot bulbs 1
- Effect of the harvest time on the losses of storage onion sets 1
- Effect of the increased sulphur and selenium supply on the liver and kidney functional state and selecteindices of phagocytic activity 1
- Effect of the kind of subsoil (mineral soil, post-sewage sediment) on the growth and development of Sida hermaphrodita R. 1
- Effect of the level of indicators of nervous balance estimation on the changes of heart rate in stallions and mares 1
- Effect of the medium and NAA containing chemicals on rooting of herbaceous cuttings of several dahlia cultivars 1
- Effect of the method the nutritive value determination of ration and its physical form on the course and economic efficiency of lamb fattening 1
- Effect of the number of offpring per litter on reproductice performance of Polish Large White sows 1
- Effect of the number of weed control treatments and delay of first weeding on yielding of bean Wiejska cv. 1
- Effect of the planting time of onion sets and shallot bulbs on the yield of bunching onion 1
- Effect of the preparation HaTe-4c extract in the protection of fields against the harmful activities of wild boars 1
- Effect of the quantity and quality of protein in a ration for sheep on the intake and passage of roughages. Part I. Uptake of feed 1
- Effect of the quantity and quality of protein in a rations for sheep on the intake and passage of roughages. Part II. Passage of feed through the digestive tract 1
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