- Changes in the nervous system of the cow after malacotomy of the abdominal integuments in linea alba 1
- Changes in the peripheral blood of cattle affected with lymphatic leukaemia. III. Erythrocytic system and content of iron, transferrin, copper and ceruloplasmin in the serum 1
- Changes in the peripheral blood of cattle affected with lymphatic leukaemia. II. Protein fractions of serum 1
- Changes in the peripheral blood of cattle affected with lymphatic leukaemia. IV. Liver tests 1
- Changes in the peripheral blood of cattle affected with lymphatic leukaemia. Part. I. Electrolytes and basic phosphatase 1
- Changes in the potassium level in the blood of pregnant sheep 1
- Changes in the protein content in lowland black-white and lowland red-white breed milk correlated with the content of fat, course of lactation and time of calving 1
- Changes in the reproductive performance of nadbużańska sows resulting fromcrossing. II. The Effect of filling up of blood of Polish landrace 1
- Changes in the sculpture of loess slopes under cultivation in Elizówka 1
- Changes in the selected hematologic and biochemical indicators in peripartal period in sows in the aspect of the appearance of the MMA syndrome 1
- Changes in the specific make-up of the swards as affected by seeding rates of mixture components and by management of simple white clover/grass mixtures 1
- Changes in the stock and productivity of the cattle raised in individual farms of the Zamość area in the period of fifteen years 1
- Changes in the total content and bioavailability of heavy metals during sewage sludge composting and anaerobic digestion 1
- Changes in the wheat seedlings grown on nutrient medium in which potassium was replaced with Li, Na and Rb 1
- Changes in thickness and breaking strength of wool depending on the season of its growth, in the long-wool sheep 1
- Changes of certain physical properties of soil under the influence of simplifications applied in pre-winter and spring pre-sowing cultivation in the rotation of vegetables 1
- Changes of dry matter content in cow milk according to level of fat and protein 1
- Changes of individual quality of roe deer males (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Lublin region 1
- Changes of number and spread of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) in the Lublin region 1
- Changes of species composition in pasture undergrowth with the proportion papilionaceous plants related to the soil type 1
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