- Research on the dissolution of difficult to dissolve calcium and ferrous phosphates by Rhizobium 1
- Research on the effectiveness of preparations used in combating the codling moth (Carpocapsa pomonella L.) at the Aagricultural Experimental Station in Elizówka 1
- Research on the fatty compounds in the blood serum and aorta wall in natural arteriosclerosis of male and female pigs 1
- Research on the mycoflora of sainfoin seeds (Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop.), cultivated in the Lublin province with a particular regard to pathogenic fungi 1
- Research on the occurrence of fusarium nivale in the Lublin province 1
- Research on the usability of the subsoil horizons of various soil types for the preparation of standardized soil for the cultivation of gerbera. Part III. Influence of the subsoil horizons as components of standardized soils on the growth of gerbera 1
- Research on the usability of the subsoil horizons of various soil types for the preparation of standardized soil for the cultivation of gerbera. Part I. Physical and chemical characteristics of the investigated subsoil horizons 1
- Research on the usability of the subsoils horizons of various soil types for the preparation of standardized soil for the cultivation of gerbera. Part II. Physical and chemical characteristics of the mixtures of subsoil horizons with high moor peat 1
- Residues of medicaments against varroa in beeswax and their influence to honey quality 1
- Resolving compactness index of pores and solid phase elements in sandy and silt loamy soils. 1
- Response of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. "Laura" roots and shoots to stress due to zinc excess 1
- Response of growth rate and lipid composition on modulation of plasma testosterone level in chicken 1
- Response of lettuce plants to nitrate or ammonium nutrition in conditions of different temperatures of mineral nutrient. I. Growth and nitrogen economy of plants 1
- Response of lettuce plants to nitrate or ammonium nutrition in conditions of different temperatures of mineral nutrient. II. Contents and rate of accumulation of basic macrocomponents in plants 1
- Response of lettuce plants to nitrogen forms in full and twice reduced air humidity 1
- Response of plasma lipids and biliary secretion to duodenal infusion of rape oil and glucocorticoid administration in calves 1
- Response of tomato and maize plants to increased concentration of mineral salts in water cultures 1
- Response of tomato plants to nitrogen forms in full and reduced light intensity 1
- Response of tomato plants to N-NO3 or N-NH4 feeding applied in sand, loam and substrate soils 2
- Responses of purebred arabian mares to definite acoustic stimuli 1
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