- Effect of fertilization of acid soil on the yield of spring crops. I. Relation between the content of elements in the plant and the indices of yielding of spring wheat, spring barley and oats 1
- Effect of fertilization of grey brown podzolic soil with beet flume deposit from the sugar plant on plant yielding. IV. The content of N, P, K, Mg and Ca in the yields of plants 1
- Effect of fertilization of grey brown podzolic soil with the earth from sugar factory sediment tanks on plant yielding. I. Some properties and soil fertility 1
- Effect of fertilization with keratin-bark-urea granulate on the soil micoflora under the cultivation of red currant 1
- Effect of fertilization with winter catch crops and rye straw on yielding of white cabbage 1
- Effect of flower pollination by bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) on yielding of aubergine grown in a plastic tunnel 1
- Effect of flurprimidol on flowering of chosen cultivars and clones of dahlia (Dahlia x cultorum Thorsr. et Reis.) cultivated in containers 1
- Effect of forecrops on growth of plants and root yield of american ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) 1
- Effect of fruit set regulation on return bloom in some apple cultivars 1
- Effect of full ration feed mixtures in the breeding of pheasants 1
- Effect of fumagilin treatment during winter upon the development and productivity of honeybee colonies 1
- Effect of genotype and place of origin of bulls on the breeding in the breeding centre 1
- Effect of grading up of draught horses by crossing with English thoroughbreds 1
- Effect of growing method on yield of chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) cultivars 1
- Effect of habitat conditions on flowering and fructification of Parietaria pensylvanica Mühlenb. ex Willd. 1
- Effect of habitat on selected elements of biology of flowering of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) 1
- Effect of hand-thinning time on quantity and quality of apple flowersb cv. 'Jonagold' 1
- Effect of hormone treatment on thc yield and fruit quality of some pepino forms (Solanum muricatum Aiton) under glasshouse conditions 1
- Effect of insecticides and fungicides on soil microflora 1
- Effect of intraduodenal infusion of Lipofundin on mesenteric lymph and portal plasma lipids content in sheep 1
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