- Reasons for eliminating thoroughbred arab horses from training and racing exploitation 1
- Reasons of losses in the stock of horses in the Lublin and Tarnobrzeg regions 1
- Receptywność znamion Gymnadenia conopsea L. (Orchidaceae) w okresie kwitnienia 1
- Recesja i sukcesja gatunków i grup roślin na zmeliorowanym torfowisku niskim w okresie 16 lat użytkowania łąkowego 1
- Recession and succesion of species and groups of plants on the reclaimed low peatbog within 16 years of meadow exploitation 1
- Recurrence of the chemical composition of milk in three lactations in bw cows and F1 z crossbreeds (hf x bw) 1
- Recurrence of the efficiency and chemical composition of milk in cows on successive days, weeks, months and lactations 1
- Rędziny jurajskie Skałek Pienińskich 1
- Registration and logging in 1
- Regulamin Repozytorium 1
- Rejestracja i logowanie 1
- Rejonizacja i standaryzacja jako racjonalne podstawy dla podniesienia wytwórczości zbożowej w Polsce 1
- Relation between erosion and water conditions in the valley of the Bystra river 1
- Relation between exterior and milk yield of simental breed 1
- Relation between number of fruit sets and leaves of sweet pepper plants trained to one main shoot in greenhouse production. Part II. Yielding and fruit quality 1
- Relation between number of fruit sets and leaves of sweet pepper plants trained to one main shoot in greenhouse production. Part I. Plant growth and irradiation conditions 1
- Relation between organic fertilization and liming and content of cadmium and lead in soil and in red beet roots 1
- Relation between polymorphism of milk protein and productivity of cows 1
- Relation between the yielding and some morphological features of five rhubarb cultivars (Rheum rhaponticum L.) 1
- Relation of genetic variants of milk protein with milk yield in beef cattle and with results of rearing their calves. I. Hereford 1
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