- Changes of dry matter content in cow milk according to level of fat and protein 1
- Changes of individual quality of roe deer males (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Lublin region 1
- Changes of number and spread of capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) in the Lublin region 1
- Changes of species composition in pasture undergrowth with the proportion papilionaceous plants related to the soil type 1
- Changes of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf structure in strong acidity base conditions 1
- Changes of the species composition of meadow undergrowth in post-boggy habitat (a synthesis of 30-year-long studies conducied in Sosnowica - the Wieprz-Krzna canal region) 1
- Changes of the water reserve in the soil profile in the vegetaion peroid of some cultivable plants 1
- Changes of the zinc content in light textured soil and the soil fertilized with sludge under plant cultivation in crop rotation system and in monoculture 1
- Changes of udder characteristics of the white upgraded goat breed in the course of lactation 1
- Changes of urea content in milk depending on storage time and temperature 1
- Changes o reproduction performance of sows of maternal component in Lublin region in 1994—2003 1
- Changing of species composition of meadow sod by sowing with clover 1
- Characterisation of meadows in the Kurówka river valley lying in the area of the central Poland Lowlands sub province 1
- Characterisation of nervous irritability in young Arabian horses 1
- Characteristics and yield of pericarps for some cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus coccineus L . 1
- Characteristics of aggressive reactions of young Arabian horses considering nervous irritability 1
- Characteristics of argali and ibex populations in khuhsyrh reservation in Mongolian Ałtaj 1
- Characteristics of Eschscholzia Californica Cham. flowers produced depending on lead concentration in medium 1
- Characteristics of growth and development of Silphium perfoliatum L. in the first years of cultivation 1
- Characteristics of horses placed in "Top Fives" in Polish National Arabian Horse Shows in the years 1979-1990 with regard to their pedigree and use value 1
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