- Biology of flowering of Galanthus nivalis L. (Amaryllidaceae) 1
- Biology of flowering of Rumex acetosella L. and pollen fall of Rumex L. in Lublin in 1995-1999 1
- Biomass yield of Sida hermaphrodita R. in relation to the manners of establishing a plantation and plant density 1
- Biometrical characteristics and reproduction performance of Silesian horses at the Podkarpacki region 1
- Biometrical features of parsnip cultivars (Pastinaca sativa L.) 1
- Biometric and exterior characteristics of 2.5 year-old Małopolski attested stallions 1
- Biometric and exterior evaluation of replacement stallions at the Białka State tor Depot of Stallions in the Years 1965—1985 1
- Biometric indices of growth of wild boar hunted in the macroregion of central-eastern Poland 1
- Biometryczne wskaźniki wzrostu dzików pozyskanych w makroregionie środkowo-wschodniej Polski 1
- Biomietric CharBiomietric characteristics, backfat thickness and slaughter value of porkers slaughtered in the Meat Factory in Rzeszówered in the Meat Factory in Rzeszów 1
- Biomikroskopische Untersuchungen der Leukergie 2
- Biopreparate from grapefruit extract - progress in biological control of plant diseases 1
- Biopreparat z wyciągu z grejpfruta - postęp w biologicznej ochronie roślin przed chorobami 1
- Biopsja nerki u psa 1
- Biopsy of the kidney in the dog 1
- Biotechnologia roślin leczniczych oraz problemy jej komercjalizacji 1
- Birds as one of elements in transmission of zooanthroponoses. Part I. Salmonella infections 1
- Bird's — foot trefoil (Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr.) in plant associations of the Lublin region 1
- Birth weights ratio in purebred Arabian foals according to paternal groups and damlines in Białka stud 1
- Birth weights ratio in purebred Arabian foals according to paternal groups and damlines in Janów Podlaski stud 1
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