- Soils of the intermountainous Basins of Jasło-Sanok 1
- Soils of the northwest part of the former Sandomierska Forest 1
- Soil vertical movements and their effect on corn wintering 1
- Soil weed seed bank at ploughingl layer on the Nałęczów Plateau in relation to cereal crops and sculpture elements 1
- Soluble aluminium in soils of the flish area 1
- Soluble complex combinations of copper and zinc with humic acid of low peat as the source of these microelements for plants 1
- Soluble proteins in larval blood of Galleria mellonella (Lep. Pyralidae) by immunoelectrophoresis 1
- Somatic cell count in milk and the yield and composition of cow milk in relation to the result of CMT 1
- Somatic cell count in milk of cows of different genotypes 2
- Some aspects of antagonistic microorganisms application to control plant diseases 1
- Some aspects of CO₂ enrichment in greenhouse crops with the application of automatic steerer EUDW-2 1
- Some aspects of fodder herbs occurence in different habitats of meadows 1
- Some biochemical constituents in the blood plasma of broiler chickens fed hull-less barley 1
- Some changes in the blood of rabbits subjected to hypothermy 1
- Some considerations about haematome of the vulva 1
- Some factors influencing the results of the cage tests of a life span and food intake in Apis Mellifera workers 1
- Some features of the yield structure of plants in a four-field crop rotation on the eroded loess soil 1
- Some growth features of Hypericum perforatum L. harvested from natural stands of central-eastern region of Poland 1
- Some herbs in pigs feeding 1
- Some histochemical reactions in the nucleus interpeduncularis of immunized rabbits 1
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