- Some hoof features of the noble and cold-blooded horses registered in the polish stud-books. Part II. Absolute and specific weight as well as the natural burden and resistance to the crushing of the hoof 1
- Some hoof features of the noble and cold-blooded horses registered in the polish stud-books. Part. I. Linear and spatial measurements and corn thickness in the particular parts of the hoof 1
- Some immunity parameters in lowland black and white dairy cattle one month before parturition 1
- Some indicators of the metabolic profile of sows' blood during reproduction 1
- Some morphological and physiological properties of chickens crossbred between the leghorn and greenleg breeds and pure-bred chickens, with regard to their performance 1
- Some morphological features and N, P, K, Ca, Mg content in origanum (Origanum vulgare L.) occurring in different environment conditions 1
- Some morphological ovary traits of japanese quail during an intensive egg laying period 1
- Some morphological traits of the ovary in the Japanese quail of the lines selected divergently on body weight reaction following temporary food deprivation 1
- Some nutritive and functional properties of protein concentrates obtained from tobacco leaves juice 1
- Some observations and remarks on transpupillary diaphanoscopy of the eye 1
- Some observations on brucellosis I. Influence of streptomycin on Brucella abortis bovis. Il. The influence of adrenaline on Wrights reaction; the influence of thiamine and ascorbic acid on Wright's and Burnet's reactions. 1
- Some observations on the phenomenon of leukergy in obstetrics and gynecology 1
- Some observations on the tanninophil fibers in the human skin aud their relation to the epidermal cells 1
- Some particular factors influence on juice and pepsinogen secretion in sheep 1
- Some pharmacological properties of heparin of Polish production 1
- Some pharmacological properties of oxprenolol 1
- Some phenomena of blooming biology and pollen exposure of three Papaver L. species 1
- Some physico-chemical properties of serologicaily active soluble blood proteins of the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella larvae 1
- Some problems from the biology of seed germination of common valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) 1
- (Some problems in health protection) 1
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