- Lumbal anaesthesia with simultaneous intravenous narcosis 1
- Lumbalisatio des ersten Kreuzwirbels beim Schaf 1
- Lysozyme content in cow milk and blood depending on the season of the year and feediny in an all-year cycle 1
- Macro- and microelements content in raw material of some medicinal plants depending on the period of harvest 1
- Macro- and micro-elements in multiflorous darnel (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) fertilized with ammonium amidophosphate 1
- Macroelement deficiency in dairy cows taking into account their physiological state in the region of southern Podlasie 1
- Macroelements deficit in dairy cows in the Central Pomorze region with regard to physiological status 1
- Macrostructure of diagnostic B horizons relative to underlying BC and C horizons in Podzols,Luvisol, Cambisol, and Arenosol evaluated by image analysis 1
- Mady okolic Niska i Rudnika nad Sanem 1
- Mady w dolinie Wisłoki 1
- Magnesium in the soil and in rougle cock's-foot fertilized with differentiated doses of mineral fertilizers 1
- Magnez łatwo przyswajalny w glebach województwa lubelskiego 1
- Magnez w glebie i kupkówce pospolitej nawożonej zróżnicowanymi dawkami nawozów mineralnych 1
- Main components in milk depending on the breeding and environmental factors 1
- Makro and mikroelements content in meat, liver and kidneys of cattle maintained on a pasture and alcove 1
- Makro- i mikroelementy w życicy wielokwiatowej (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) nawożonej amidofosforanem amonowym 1
- Makrostruktura gleb Polski – Macrostructure of soils in Poland 1
- Manganese in the soils of the carpathian flish areas 1
- Mangan w glebach karpackich terenów fliszowych 1
- Manner of soil tillage and weed infestation of a soybean canopy 1
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