- The shaping of raw material supply in the Meat Factory of Lublin and Łuków in 1998 1
- The significance of the presence of Streptococcus zooepidemicus in horse, with particular reference of stallions sperm 1
- The simple and replicated experiments of split plot designs. Part I. Analysis of variance 1
- The simplified concentrates for cows in winter feeding 1
- The skeletal substances content in the material of the cell walls of the triticale stalks 1
- The slaughter value and the physical and chemical quality of meat of bull calves and heifers of the b-w breed from the individual farms 1
- The slaughter value of fatteners from Puławska breed and the hybrids of Polish Landrace and Pietrain breeds 1
- The slaughter value of horses and meat quality depending on age 1
- The society of Rejowiec Fabryczny. Part III 1
- The soil erosion and the proofs to prevent them in deep loesses 1
- The soils of the Scientific-Experimental Station at Felin 1
- The spatial differentiation of the efficiency of mineral fertilization in individual agriculture between 1980 and 1986 1
- The species composition and number of the occurrence of aphids damaging the shrubs of Spiraea vanhouttei Zabel. in Lublin 1
- The species composition of the aphids damaging the shrubs of Ribes aureum Pursch. in the Academic Park in Lublin 1
- The species composition of the aphids preying on Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. in the Academic Park in Lublin 1
- The specific strengthening of the Wassermann test by means of the summing up effect 1
- The specific surface of soils as an indicator of basic elements of their potential fertility. Part I. Correlation between the specific surface and colloidal fraction and humus compounds as an element of the estimation of the potential soil fertility 1
- The specific surface of soils as an indicator of basic elements of their potential fertility. Part II. The use of specific surface measurements of soil sorption ability as elements of their potential fertility 1
- The spread of triticale cultivation in the Lublin area 1
- The state and development of the nursery production in the Lublin region in the years 1970-1992 1
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