- Physical properties and chemical composition of trading milk delivered to collection centres in Lublin region 2
- Physiologic consumption of prothrombin in the circulating blood of rabbits 1
- Phytase activity in fungi 1
- Phytochemical analysis of extracts from roots and herbs as well as structure of secretory tissue of stalk and leaves of dittany (Dictamnus albus L. cv. Albiflores) 1
- Phytoextraction of heavy metals after application of bottom ash and municipal sewage sludge considering the risk of environmental pollution 1
- Pierwiastki śladowe w glebach i roślinności łąk środkowo-wschodniego regionu Polski 1
- Pierwotne włókna doprowadzające korzenia ślimakowego nerwu przedsionkowo-ślimakowego 1
- Pigs fattening energetic energoabsorptiveness and effectiveness depending upon differentiation of elementary factors levels 1
- Pilotowe wyniki oceny resztkowej choroby białaczkowej u chorych na ostrą białaczkę limfoblastyczną typu common 1
- Pionowe ruchy gleby i ich wpływ na przezimowanie zbóż 1
- Piroplazmoza (babesioza) jako przyczyna małopłytkowości 1
- Plant communities depending on species composition of sowing mixtures 1
- Plant communities in the valley of the river Giełczew and Radomirka 1
- Plant communities in the valley of the Żółkiewka river 1
- Plant communities of peatbog near Łukietek lake 1
- Plant communities of phragmitetea class in the valley of Por 1
- Plant communities of the meadows of the Szczecin baw 1
- Plant communities of the valley of the river Tyśmienica. Part I. Communities of the class Phragmitetea 1
- Plant communities of the valley of the river Tyśmienica. Part. II. Communities of the classes Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae, Molinio-Juncetea and Arrhenatheretea 1
- Plant extracts containing furanocoumarins in therapy of mycoses in man and in animals 1
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