- The level of serum immunoglobulins in healthy, sick and dead calves due to diarrhoeic colibacillosis 1
- The Level of some indices of the oxidation state in blood plasma of mink at slaughter period under the definite maintenance and feeding conditions 1
- The level of some mineral elements in sheep from the central Pomerania considering the links of trophic chain 1
- The levels of lead and cadmium in liver, kidney, bone, hair and blood of dogs coming from different parts of Poland and diagnostic value of determination 1
- The meadow ecosystems in Jeziorka river valley landscape structure 1
- The meadows at Zemborzyce in 1949 1
- The meadows ot the Jacenka valley in floristic and habitat respects. Part II. The communities from the classes Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and Nardo-Callunetea 1
- The meadows ot the Jacenka valley in floristic and habitat respects. Part I. The communities from the classes Phragmitetea and Scheuchzerio-Caricetea fuscae 1
- The medical-prophylactic effectiveness of rectal and oral administration of selected magnesium preparations for acute states of hypomagnesaemia 1
- The metabolism of chicken embryo cells following the infection with Aujeszky's virus 1
- The Metabolism of the aorta of pigs. I. The Fat compounds in the extracts of theintima and media of aorta with, and without, arteriosclerotic lesions 1
- The method of homogeneity of a mixture of loose materials 1
- The microbial characteristic of soils on the farms of the University Mariae Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin 1
- The microbiological and chemical estimation of particular forms of transformed dungstead 3
- The microbiological examination of milk samples results conducted in the Northern Great-Polandregion during the bovine mastitis control 1
- The modification effect of age for ethological reactions of purebred arabian horse 1
- The Morphology and topography of fimbria hippocampi and fornix in cow 1
- The morphology and topography of formatio hippocampi in the polar fox (Alopex lagopus) 1
- The movement of water-soluble phosphate (P-32) in soils with different sorption properties 1
- The mycorrhiza of corn plants p. I. Oats 1
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