- The topography and cytostructure of formation hippocampi in the cow 1
- The Topography and cytostructure of gyrus cinguli and indusium griseum in cow 1
- The Topography and Cytostructure of Nuclei Nervi Trigemini in Alopex lagopus 1
- The Topography and Cytostructure of nucleus motorius n. hypoglossi and nuclei peri-hypoglossi in Alopex lagopus 1
- The topography and structure of nervous nuclei of the mesencephalon in the sheep, swine, cow, horse and goat. Part I. Nervous nuclei of the mesencephalon in the sheep 1
- The topography and structure of the nuclei of the mesencephalon in domestic animals. Part II. Nuclei of the mesencephalon in the swine 1
- The Topography and structure of the nucleus cervicalis lateralis in polar fox (Alopex lagopus) 1
- The tractive force in the principal types of horses in Poland 1
- The type of draft horse in Lowicz District 1
- The type of hemoglobin and the content of potassium and sodium in the blood and erythrocytes of cows of the simentaler breed 1
- The uptake of magnesium by spring harley depending on the occurence of available and exchangeable forms of this element in the soil 1
- The uptake of micro-elements by rougle cock's-foot in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertiliation. Part II. Copper 1
- The uptake of micro-elements by rougle cock's-foot in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertiliation. Part III. Manganese 1
- The uptake of micro-elements by rougle cock's-foot in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertiliation. Part I. Zinc 1
- The uptake of phosphorus by italian rye-grass from the soils fertilized with unconventional phosphorus fertilizers 1
- The uptake of potassium by spring harley in the conditions of differentiated mineral fertilization 1
- The usefulness of brome grass (Bromus unioloides Humb. et Kunth) for the cultivation in a pure sowing and in mixtures with lucerne (Medicago media Pers.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) 1
- The usefulness of determination of C-reactive protein in monitoring patients with chronic leg ulcers 1
- The usefulness of haematological examinations in field diagnostics of foot-rot in sheep 1
- The usefulness of rye and wheat as mixture components O1 and O2 in the fattening of simental bulls and crossbreeds sim.x rw in relation to the body mass of over 400 kg 1
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