- Estimation of the efficiency of selected herbicydes and their mixtures in the undergrowth reclamation using direct sowing 1
- Estimation of the feeding of Polish Konik horses, Arab Konik horses and Felin ponies in a system of ad libitum maintenance and standardized work 1
- Estimation of the functional state of liver in cows with acid indigestion 1
- Estimation of the influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on the level of conformation traits of purebred Arabian horses participating in national shows. I. Heritability and repeatability of conformation traits of purebred Arabian horses participating in national show 1
- Estimation of the influence of genetic and non-genetic factors on the level of conformation traits of purebred Arabian horses participating in national shows. II. Breeding value of sires and foundation mares for sibling groups consisting of at least 5 horses participating in shows 1
- Estimation of the influence of predators on the adroitness of heath cock hatches 1
- Estimation of the links between reproductive indexes and inbred of Wielkopolski mares in the horse stud at Rzeczna 1
- Estimation of the relations between reproduction indexes and the inbred of full English blood mares at the horse stud at Rzeczna 1
- Estimation of the slaughter value of wild-pig (Sus scrofa ferus) hybrids with chosen breeds of domestic swine 1
- Estimation of the suitability of fifteen clones of different varieties of the bulb (Helianthus tuberosus L.) for distillery purposes 1
- Estimation of usability value of Arctium tomentosum Mill., Rumex hydrolapathum Huds.and Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. 1
- Estimation of variability tolerance reaction time in gilts of Polish Landrace and Polish Large White breeds 1
- Estimation of variance components in mixed models 1
- etermination of aminoacids in hydrolysates of hays of: Medicago sativa, Ornithopus sativus, Trifolium pratense, Vicia faba minor and Lupinus luteus — by the paper chromatography method 1
- Etfect of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the height and quality of the yields of the green fodder of Sida hermaphrodita Rusby 1
- Ethological variety of stud małopolski horses considering genealogical lines 1
- Etimation of breeding value of purebred Arabian head stallions with respect to the feature of racing performance 1
- Etological estimation of purebred Arabian fillies and foals on the pasture considering nervous irritability 1
- Études sur la qualité des porcs destinés à la production du bacon, dans la région de Lublin, d'après les mesures prises sur les animaux vifs et après l'abattage 1
- Evaluatian of bio-element composition in horses' organism on the basis of their content in hair 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 1961-1980 z 7880