- Influence of sulphur dioxide applied together with potassium on the yield and ionic balance in plants. Part II. Influence of sulphur dioxide applied together with potassium on ionic balance in plants 1
- Influence of sulphur dioxide applied together with potassium on the yield and Ionic balance in plants. Part I. Influence of sulphur dioxide applied together with potassium on the degree of the breakage of assimilative organs and on the plant yield 1
- Influence of sulphuric dioxide together with potassium on the yielding and tonic balance in plants. Part III. Influence of sulphuric dioxide together with potassium on metabolism ofsulphur and nitrogen in plants 1
- Influence of sympathetic nerves on prothrombin time of venous and arterial blood of the thyroid gland 1
- Influence of synthetic structural preparations and non-conventional fertilizers on the enzymatic activity of the fallow soil formed from loess, using lowered oxygen pressure to incubation in samples subject 1
- Influence of terms of sowing on the industrial value of the seed of Dracocephalum moldavicum L. Part II 1
- Influence of the addition of some herb mixtures on weight gains, food utilization and quality of butchery products in fattening of swine 1
- Influence of the addition of some industrial and mining waste materials on the sorption complex of sandy soil. Part II. Changes in the chemical properties of the soil 1
- Influence of the addition of some nitrogen compounds on the microflora and course of the composting process 1
- Influence of the amount of broadcasting and differentiated mineral fertilizing on buckwheat yielding 1
- Influence of the application of farmyard manure and crude peat on the yields of hay from a meadow in the Bug valley 1
- Influence of the depth of ploughing on the yields of crops grown on undulating land 1
- Influence of the environment on the content of mineral components in some herbs 1
- Influence of the factors of the site on the yield and the use value of the sugar beet seeds 1
- Influence of the forecrop on the infestation of tobacco by thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind.) and on the infection by Lycopersicum virus 3 1
- Influence of the frequency of mowing on the yield of hay and on the durability of lucerne (Medicago media Pers.) 1
- Influence of the growth hormone (STH), adrenocorticotropichormone (ACTH), cortisone (K) and dehydrocortisone (HK) on the level of white blood corpuscles, blood sugar, amino nitrogen, total nitrogen and protein fractions of the rabbit serum 1
- Influence of the insufflation of the udder on the secretory glandular tissue 1
- Influence of the intensity of feeding on the gains and feed utilization in the puławska pig fattened for quick production of meat. Part II 1
- Influence of the level and method of phosphoric fertilization in the crop rotation on the content of various fractions of mineral phosphorus and assimilable DL in loess soils 1
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