- Interdependence between selection indexes of bulls mothers and breeding value of their sons 1
- Interdependence between the general handicap weights for purebred Arabian horses and their coefficients of success 1
- Interdependence of milk yield per day and the content of its basic components as well as their interrelation determined for first-calf cows of neb breed 1
- Interferon tau: paracrine mediator of conceptus-maternal dialogue in ruminants 1
- Interferon tau: parakrynny mediator informacji płodowo-matczynej u przeżuwaczy 1
- Interleukin-12 —structure,properties and role in immunity 1
- Interleukina-12, budowa, właściwości i rola w odporności 1
- Interrelations between results of carcass classification According to EUROP system and slaughter value of bullocks and heifers 1
- Introductory evaluation of soil and water chemism in the region of the Lublin Coal Basin in the aspect of the planned intensive economic and industrial activity 1
- Introductory investigations on the biosynthesis of protein by selected yeast strains on the fraction P-1 of petroleum 1
- Introductory results of studies on genetic distinctiveness of white-back attle 1
- Introductory studies on the yielding and weed infestation of alfalfa (Medicago x varia Mart.) on the eroded loess soil 1
- Invasion of Varroa jacobsoni Ou d. and Phagocytic activityof haemocytes of the worker honey Bee Apis mellifera L.Preliminary observations on wintering bees 1
- Investigation of the form „X” Erysipelothrix insidiosa 1
- Investigation of the fungicidal properties of S-alkyl (-aryl, -carboxyl) esters of 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzencarbodithioic acid (TBKD) 1
- Investigation of the winter egg-laying rate. Part. 1. Coefficient of correlation between the yearly egg-laying rate and the egg-laying rate in each part of the year 1
- Investigation of toxic effect to rats and ducks of diet supplemented with rapeseed oil meal and groundnut meal, containing some natural goitrogens (VTO,ITC) and aflatoxins 1
- Investigation on Brucella strains with particular reference to Brucella varieties in Poland 1
- Investigation on the influence of a few selected frequencies of audible continuous sound on the growth of winter wheat seedlings of Dana variety 1
- Investigation on the soils of the area to be irrigated with sevage waters of the town Lublin 1
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