- Heavy metals contents in plants growing in Lublin neighborhood 1
- Helena Jurgielewiczowa — pierwszą Polką, która ukończyła studia weterynaryjne w polskiej uczelni 1
- Helmintofauna lisów województwa lubelskiego 1
- Helmintofauna niektórych gatunków ptaków wodnych Lubelszczyzny 1
- Helmintofauna of hares from different region of Poland 1
- Helmintofauna of some species of aquatic birds from Lublin District 1
- Helmintofauna zajęcy pochodzących z różnych regionów Polski 1
- Hematologiczne efekty działania kortyzolu u karpia (Cyprinus carpio L.) 1
- Hemiptera — Heteroptera occerring on cruciferous plants in the Lublin district 1
- Hemoglobina płodowa jagniąt na tle doświadczeń z transfuzją wymienną 1
- Hemolymph proteins of the honeybee pupae (Apis mellifera L.) from apiaries differing by the level of pollution with heavy metals 1
- Herb addition level in feed mixture for fattening pigs 1
- Herbal drugs in therapy, prophylaxis, cosmetics and nutrition 1
- Herd size and work efficiency in cattle breeding and pig breeding 1
- Herd structure, performance time and reasons for cows culling in Agricultural Experimental Station at the Agricultural University 1
- Hereditability of nervous balance of horse 1
- Heritability, genetical and phenotypical correlations of chosen fattening and slaughter traits in Pulawska pigs 1
- Heritability of reproductive features in purebred Arabian Horses 1
- Heterotrophic aerobic bacteria of the lithoral of two trophically different lakes of the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District. Part I. Heterotrophic planktonic bacteria 1
- Heterotrophic aerobic bacteria of the littoral of two trophically different lakes of the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lake District. Part II. Benthonic heterotrophic bacteria 1
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