- Increased growth of piglets with their body weight below medium weight in litter 1
- Indexes of the breeding value of leading stallions in the chosen Wielkopolska studs 1
- Indicators of mineral balance and metabolic profile in heifers in regions of mineral deficiency 1
- Indicators of procreative utilization of attested stallions in the regional union of horse breeders in Lublin 1
- Indicators of the metabolic profile in the blood of young stallions in a training institution 1
- Indices of fattening performance of black and white bulls and sim.x B.W. bulls fattened to 400 kg and more 1
- Indices of mineral metabolism in goats from south-eastern Poland 1
- Indices of the blood corpuscle system as well as Fe, Cu, CZWZO and ceruloplasmine in the blood serum of calves with congenital struma 1
- Industrial biotechnology of medicinal plants and problems with its commercialization 1
- Infiuence of mineral fertiliation and sprinkling on the yied and nutritive value of green fodder from plot pasture in Jastkow 1
- Influence of 100-day training and nervous irritability on movement mechanics changes in stallions 1
- Influence of 2-chloroethyl-trimethyl ammonium chloride (CCC) and calcium ions on the biosynthesis of carotenoids in wheat seedlings 1
- Influence of age of purebred Arabian mares on their heat and pregnancy length 1
- Influence of ameliorative ploughing and deep organic fertilizing on the content and distribution of organic substance and on some chemical properties of soil formed from sand 1
- Influence of ameliorative ploughing and of introduction of bentonite on the yields of some plants grown on sandy soil 1
- Influence of ameliorative tillage on the content and distribution of the root mass, non-decomposed plant remnants, and of P2O5 and K2O in a soil formed from sandy loam 1
- Influence of ameliorative tillage on the content and distribution of the root mass, non-decomposed plant remnants, and of P2O5 and K2O in a soil formed from sandy loam 1
- Influence of anionic detergent Sulpharocanol L.327/1 on hematologic indices of broilers 1
- Influence of anticytotoxic serum on iron metabolismin guinea pigs 1
- Influence of aqueous extract of inflammatory-necrotic tissueon some blood constituents 1
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