- Influence of a season and storage conditions on the hygienic quality of food milk 1
- Influence of Atrazine (2-chloro-4-etyloamino-6-izopropyloamino-s-triazine) and Afalon (N-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-N-msthoxy-N-Methylurea) on the balance of reserve substances and growth of barley seedlings 1
- Influence of bentonites on the yield of plants and on some chemical properties of light soil 1
- Influence of Biostymina, Bioaron C on some immunological parameters and performance of turkey hens 1
- Influence of bleeding and blood infusions on the kidney activity in dogs 1
- Influence of boron and manganese oressing on the content of vitamin C in some vegetabies, tesied in field conditions 1
- Influence of breeding conditions and the age on some constituents of the peripheral blood of piglings 1
- Influence of cabbage variety on chemical composition of juice 1
- Influence of calcium, at different soil humidity, on the yield and quality of green crop of symphytum peregrinum 1
- Influence of Camelina sativa seeds in fattener's feeding on value of swine's fattening and slaughter traits 1
- Influence of CCC doses and of the levels of nitrogenous fertilization on spring grain crops 1
- Influence of certain factors on productivity of farm-bred cows from Lublin region, enlisted in the High Efficiency Register 1
- Influence of chemiotherapeutics on plasmid profile and phage types of salmonellae 1
- Influence of cholestyramine and sunflower oil on the content of plasma bile salts and lipoprotein composition in alloxan induced diabetes in rabbits 1
- Influence of concentration of mineral medium on water utilization by tomatoes 1
- Influence of copper bioplex, wheat bran and herbs on magnesium, calcium and vitamin F content in breast muscles of turkey hens 1
- Influence of corm planting date and depth on Acidanthera bicolor Hochst. blooming 1
- Influence of coumarin on the histological and histochemical picture of the parenchymatous organs of the rabbit 1
- Influence of cultivar and weather conditions on the yield of dry matter and the amount of capsaicinoids of hot pepper fruits 1
- Influence of cultivation method, irrigation and plant density on the yield and quality of chicory witloof roots (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi) 1
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