- Influence of decreased sowing standards on the yield and specific composition of meadow mixture 1
- Influence of deforestation and agricultural utilization on the morphology and properties of chernozem in areas of differentiated relief 1
- Influence of different calcium and magnesium forms on alleviating aluminium toxity of spring barley and oat in model experiment 1
- Influence of different concentrations of lactose on the activity of cellalases contained in enzymatic preparation 1
- Influence of different concentrations of sugar on the formation of side products of fermentation by some breeds of wine yeast. Part I. Formation of higher alcohols and esters 1
- Influence of different concentrations of sugar on the formation of side products of fermentation by some breeds of wine yeast. Part II. Formation of aldehydes 1
- Influence of different doses of phosphorus and potassium on the yield and quality of spring rape 1
- Influence of different factors on greasy wool weight of Uhrusk sheep 1
- Influence of different levels of nitrogen manuring and of soil humidity on the growth, yield, chemical composition and anatomical features of chicory 1
- Influence of different planes of nutrition and of the quality of protein on gains, feed consumption and carcass quality of the puławska pig 1
- Influence of different rootstocks on the intensity and time of blooming of sweet cherry trees 1
- Influence of different temperatures and light on the germination power of seeds of perennial lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus Ldl.) 1
- Influence of different temperatures and light on the germination power of the seeds of fennel (Foeniculum capillaceum Gilib.) 1
- Influence of doses and terms of application of Afalon on the weeding of potatoes 1
- Influence of doses and terms of H-50 application on the weeding of maize 1
- Influence of ecological conditions on the sorption properties of soils formed from carbonate rocks of North Viet-Nam and Poland 1
- Influence of experimental insufflation of the udder in cows on the content of calcium, inorganic phosphorus, and magnesium, on the activity of alkaline phosphatase, and on the coefficients Ca/P and Ca/Mg in blood serum 1
- Influence of fatty degeneration of half-carcasses of horses on the meat quality 1
- Influence of Fumigating in Mating Hives Against Varroa jacobsoni with Apiwarol, Warrosekt, Folbex or Fumilat upon Queens,Brood and Worker Bees 1
- Influence of green manures in form of forecrops and of farmyard manure on selected elements of nutritive value of white cabbage cv. Amager 1
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