- Buffering abilities of standardized soils utilized in horticultural production under shielding 1
- Bulb mycoflora of hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis L.) - occurrence and pathogenicity 1
- Buraki pastewne i śruta z łubinu w żywieniu krów mlecznych 1
- Calcium, phosphorus and alcaline phosphatase in serum of healthy cows during the period of one year 1
- Canada thistle phenology in broadbean canopy 1
- Cancer — immunological surveillance and immunotherapy 1
- Carcase fatness and the content of fatty acids in the lard and leaf fat of fattening pigs depending on the season, body weight and sex 1
- Carcase traits of pigs kept in different environmental conditions 1
- Carcass deposit fat and liver characteristics of fattened pigs as affected by protein and energy content in feeds 1
- Carotene content in the yolk of eggs of green-leg, sussex, and leghorn hens 1
- Carrelation between body weight and age of sheep and wool production 1
- Categories of sludge in relation to the procees of mineralzaton of their organic sabstance and the content of copper in buckweat 1
- Cathepsins and human stomach adenocarcinoma 1
- Causation relations between the level of reproductive indexes and the inbred of Arabian mares 1
- Cecha barwności kiełków buraków cukrowych w ujęciu biologiczno-rolniczym 1
- Cechy biometryczne odmian pasternaku (Pastinaca satiya L.) 1
- Cechy pokrojowe i zdolność wydojowa u krów czarno-białych odmiany krajowej i nfieszańców hf x cb utrzymywanych w przeciętnych warunkach środowiskowych 1
- Cechy poubojowe tusz świńskich w zależności od warunków środowiskowych wychowu 1
- Cechy użytkowe trzech linii przepiórek japońskich pojonych wodą z dodatkiem octanu ołowiawego 1
- Cellular defense reactions in the honeybee in environment non-polluted with heavy metals 1
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