- Slaughter value of commodity crossbreeds from mass breeding considering their classification in EUROP system 1
- Slaughter value of crossbreeds: Polish Large White, Puławski and Duroc 1
- Slaughter value of ewes used once for reproduction 1
- Slaughter value of fatteners bought by meat factory "Łmeat — Łuków” SA in 1996-1998 1
- Slaughter value of horses in relation to the hoof class 1
- Slaughter value of hybrid lambs from crossing Polish lowland sheep with meat breed rams 1
- Slaughter value of the only and twin wether lambs. Part II. Indices of slaughter value of wether lambs without fattening after season of pasture 1
- Slaughter value of the only and twin wether lambs. Part I. The indices of slaughter value of wether lambs with fattening after season of pasture 1
- Slaughter value of young bulls and heifers carcass depending on EUROP conformation and fatness class 1
- Ślazowiec pensylwański (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) : 1
- Słownik przydatnych pojęć 1
- Sludge usability in the biological management of mining gangue 1
- Służba społeczna w szpitalu 1
- Smakowitość wybranych ziół w żywieniu rosnących świń 1
- Śmiertelność pszczół w okresie zimowym a nosemoza Wartość diagnostyczna liczby spor w nosemozie— podejście kliniczne 1
- Social service in hospitals 1
- Soil disinfection for the inhibition of gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii Bolus) 1
- Soil persistence of diphenamid and napropamide 1
- Soil physical properties of agriculturally reclaimed area after lignite mine: A case study from central Poland 1
- Soils of the agricultural experimental station Elizówka with regard to the influence of water erosion 1
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