- Studies on the seroantigenic properties of Pasteurella multocida. Including the heat susceptibility of the antigenic components of the microorganism 1
- Studies on the sprinkling and mineral fertilization of sugar beets on the rendzina. Part II. Technological and nutritive value of sugar beets 1
- Studies on the sprinkling and mineral fertilization of sugar beets on the rendzina. Part I. Yields 1
- Studies on the test-tube agglutination, plate agglutination and the precipitation reaction in pullorosis 1
- Studies on the transmission of Salmonellae by the developmental stages of flies 1
- Studies on the usefulness of bacterial strains isolated from bacon and bacon brine during the process of meat pickling 1
- Studies on the usefulness of certain microbiological and biochemical tests for biological estimation of soil activity in hop gardens 1
- Studies on the usefulness of litter used repeatedly in rearing broilers. Part II. The effect of used litter on some blood components of broilers 1
- Studies on the usefulness of ploughing with the skim plough for preparing the land for sugar beet and aftercrops on loess soil 1
- Studies on the usefulness of preparation Selcewet-Polfa (Setvit. C) for medication and fattening of broiler chickens. 1. Preliminary investigations 1
- Studies on the usefulness of preparation Selcewet-Polfa (Se+vit. C) for medicationand fattening of broiler chickens. II. Assessment of prophylactic and therapeuticefficacy of the preparation under the conditions of farm rearing 1
- Studies on the usefulness or litter used repeatedly in rearing broilers. Part I 1
- Studies on the use of sawdust in glasshouse tomato cultivation. Part 1. Effect of sawdust on the soil physical properties 1
- Studies on the use of sawdust in glasshouse tomato cultivation. Part II. Fruit yield and the content of nutrient elements in the soil and in the plant material 1
- Studies on the variability of vax contenst in bee combs 1
- Studies on the ventilation quantity in broiler houses with the method of smoke emission 1
- Studies on the watering and mineral fertilization a sugar beets on rendzina. Part III. Chemism of the soil 1
- Studies on the ways of reproduction ability restoration in cows with fertility disturbances of the immunological nature. I. Determination of possibility of a bull selection for effective insemination of cows infertile due to immunological causes 1
- Studies on the ways of reproduction ability restoration in cows with fertility disturbances of the immunological nature. II. Efficacy of intrauterine insemination in cows with infertility caused by immunological factors 1
- Studies on the ways of reproduction ability restoration in cows with fertility disturbances of the immunological nature. III. Efficacy of natural mating of repeatedly and ineffectively inseminated cows from immunological disturbances of fertility 1
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