- Studies on vegetative reproduction of various types of mahaleb cherry (Cerasus mahaleb L.) 1
- Studies on vernalization of plants. II 1
- Studies on vitamin C synthesis in chickens 1
- Studies on weed control of potato on rendzina soil with particular regard to the control of quack grass. Il. Length of quack grass runners 1
- Studies on weed control of potato on rendzina soil with particular regard to the control of quack grass. IV. The content of basic macroelements in the runners of quack grass 1
- Studies on weed control of potato on rendzina soil with particular regard to the control of quack grass. V. Weed infestation of a canopy with quack grass 1
- Studies on weed control of potato on rendzina soil with special regard to the control of quack grass. III. Number of buds on the runners of quack grass 1
- Studies on weed control of potato on rendzina with special regard to the control of couch grass. I. Air dry mass of couch grass runners 1
- Studies on yielding and fruit quality of trees on their own roots and grafted on two rootstocks 1
- Studies on yielding and weed infestation of plants in monoculture. Part IV. Mixture of pod-bearing plants 1
- Studies on yielding and weed infestation of plants in monoculture. Part V. Winter wheat 1
- Studium nad dwoma przypadkami powstawania drgań samowzbudnych korpusu pługa 1
- Study of the effect of levamisole on the nonspecific immune response in carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) 1
- Study of the Effects of TMP and Sulphamethazine Combination(Konsulvit-Polfa) on larval and worker honey bees 1
- Stymulacja odporności nieswoistej— alternatywną metodą w profilaktyce i terapii zakażeń układu rozrodczego lisów hodowlanych 1
- Substancja organiczna różnie użytkowanych gleb aluwialnych Wisły i Nilu 1
- Substancje hamujące w mleku surowym w wybranych punktach skupu w woj. lubelskim 1
- Substitutions of fish flour and ground soya with broad bean seeds in the feeding of porkers 1
- Substytucja mączki rybnej i śruty sojowej nasionami bobiku w żywieniu tuczników 1
- Success factor as the indicator of use of sport saddle-horses 1
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