- A contribution to the clavicl's fracture treatment 1
- A contribution to the pharmacological action of Oleum Terebinthinae on the isolated uterus of cattle 1
- A contribution to the physiopathology of the leukergy 1
- A contribution to the taxonony of the genus Molinia Schrk 1
- Acoustic nerve nuclei (nuclei n. vestibulocochlearis) of the polar fox (Alopex lagopus) 1
- Acquiring the drug-resistance by Salmonella Enteritidis rods under in vitro conditions 1
- Action of the extract from an inflammatory-necrotic tissue on the blood serum protcins, blood sedimentation rate and prothrombin time in rabbits 1
- Activity of a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in the mesencephalon of pig during ontogenesis. I. Central gray matter (Substantia grisea centralis) 1
- Activity of alkaline phosphatase in the kidneys of Macacus rhesus after air transport 1
- Activity of aspartate (AspAT) and Alanine (AIAT) aminotransferases in the serum of horses affected with laminitis and paralytic myoglobinuria 1
- Activity of AspAT, AlAT, ALD, PHI and AP enzymes in serum of horses affected with paralitic myoglobinuria 1
- Activity of succinic dehydrogenase in the areas of adrenergic aystem of pig's brain 1
- Activity of the l-Aspartate 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (AspAT) E.C. of the 1-Alanine 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase (Al1AT) E.C. n Cell-Free extracts of the intima and of the media homogenates from pigs aortas without, and with, arterioscierotic lesions 1
- Acute phase proteins and control of healthy status of carnivorous fur-bearinganimals 1
- A Cytochemical study of the Golgi apparatus associated with thiamine pyrophosphatase in the neurons of the spinal cord of the guinea pig and some domestic animals 1
- Adaptation of the sprayer for use of fertilizer suspensions NPK 1
- Additional functionalities 1
- A Dietary effect of alfalfa saponins on the growth, Internal organs and blood in mice 1
- Adiuvantia-influence of addition of paraffin oil with lanolin and lipoids of Tubercie Bacilli on immunizing properties of Staub's anti-swine Erysipelas Vaccine for white mice 1
- Adiuvantia-Wpływ dodatku oleju parafinowego z lanoliną i lipoidów Mycobacterium tuberculosis na zdolności uodparniające szczepionki Stauba u myszy przeciwko różycy świń 1
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