- Development of some oxidation state indices at polar foxes in relation to their age and maintenance conditions 1
- Development of the activity of succinic dehydrogenase in the Mesencephalon of the pig during ontogenesis 1
- Development of the cerebrum in pig foetuses 4, 8 and 11 mm long 1
- Development of the motor nuclei of the mesencephalon of the pig 1
- Development of the nerve nuclei of the anterior part of the medulla oblongata and pons in the pig 1
- Development of the posterior olivary nucleus in cattle 1
- Development rhytm of perennial aboveground parts in nursery production 1
- Diagnosis of swine rachitis on the basis of clinical symptoms and some laboratory tests 1
- Diagnosis of viral diseases of the honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). 1
- Diagnostic methods in parasitic diseases caused by worms 1
- Diagnostic value of blood sedimentation rate in some diseases of dogs 1
- Diagnostic value of ecological indicators of Ellenberg in relation to the results of soil analysesin a sculptured area of the Nałęczów Plateau 1
- Diagnostyka artroskopowa zmian chorobowych stawu kolanowego psów ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zerwania więzadła krzyżowego przedniego 1
- Diagnostyka izoenzymatyczna chorób przeżuwaczy 1
- Diagnozowanie schorzeń kręgosłupa w oparciu o badanie radiologiczne i mielograficzne 1
- Diaphragmatic Hernia 1
- Didactic and scientific activities at the Zootechnical Faculty of the Agricultural Adacemy in Lublin in the years 1953-1988 1
- Die Auswirkung einer Brutunterbrechung auf Reproduktion und Überleben zugegebener Varroa-Milben 1
- Die Fertilität von Drohnen aus mit Varroa jacobsoni Oud. infizierten Bienen-völkern 1
- Die Notwendigkeit einer Zusammenarbeit in der Forschung von nützlichen Gartenbaupflanzen 1
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