- Die Sortendiskussion beim Apfel in Deutschland 1
- Die Umwandlung der Wiesenpflanzenbestände als Folge einer vernachlässigten Düngung 1
- Die wahren Wurzeln der mitteleuropäschen Bienenzucht (Uber ein wenig beachtetes Kapitel deutsch-polnischer Kulturbeziehungen) 1
- Die weltweite Anpassung der Obstbäume an den Standort 1
- Differences in post slaughter quality of porkers transported at the distances of 200 and 400 km 1
- Differentiated level and protein quality and fodder kind in the feeding of gilts. Part I. Effect on the growth and reproduction traits 1
- Differentiated level of protein quality and kind of fodder in the feeding of gilts. Part II. Effect on the fatness of carcases and cholesterol content 1
- Differentiation of available P₂O₅ and K₂O in A₁ horizons of the soils of some agricultural complexes 1
- Differentiation of biomass yields of pensylvania mallow in the second year of life. I 1
- Differentiation of energy input value into production and processing of fodders in pigs fattening 1
- Differentiation of fodder area efficiency in pig fattening depending on time (model considerations) 1
- Differentiation of germination ability of sida seeds under the influence of basic load 1
- Differentiation of land input value for production of fodders used in pigs fattening 1
- Differentiation of physical features of skeleton muscles in wild boar and pure breed L.W. 1
- Differentiation of the ecotype properties of fiorin (Agrostis alba L.) from eastern Poland 1
- Differentiation of the soil cover of Roztocze, exemplified by the soils of the environs of Panasówka 1
- Differentiation of the sprouting ability of sida seeds under the influence of suplhuric acid 1
- Differentiation of water in the soil and differentiation of the yields of some cultivable plants in the sculptured loess area 1
- Dilatation of the Cavaum Septi Pellucidi of cammunicating type 1
- Directions of development of the home market for herbal raw materials and products 1
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