- Changes in measurement standards for horses entered in the last volumes of Polish regional stud books 1
- Changes in milking performance and results of lamb fattening in the period of three lactations in lowland sheep fed with differentiated quantities of silage in the food dose 1
- Changes in orchard soil moisture under various cover crops 1
- Changes in sheep wool depending on the age and physiological period of sheep 1
- Changes in solubility of zinc, nickel and lead in the soils with differentiated pollution, oxygenation and humidity 1
- Changes in some chemical components content during garlic storage under different conditions 1
- Changes in some haematological indices under the Influence of massive water intake 1
- Changes in species composition and yields of mixtures of the type Festuca pratensis on peat-muck soil 1
- Changes in species composition of grass mixtures in the conditions of many year-cutting and differentiated nitrogen fertilization of peat-muck soils 1
- Changes in species composition of greenness growth of meadows on organic soild depending on nitric fertilization 1
- Changes in stem structure for three cultivated species caused by different concentrations of lead chloride 1
- Changes in the blood picture of rabbits after the application of the novocain blockade 1
- Changes in the central nervous system and in the blood of sheep after the intravenous administration of ammonium carbonate 1
- Changes in the central nervous system and in the blood of sheep after the rumen administration of the urea 1
- Changes in the content of lead, zinc, copper and the organic substance in the light soils fertilized withsludge and their influence in the plants. Part 1. Lead 1
- Changes in the content of lead, zinc, copper and the organic substance in the light soils fertilized with sludge and their influence on the plants. Part III. Copper 1
- Changes in the content of lead, zinc, copper and the organic substance in the light soils fertilized with sludge and their influence on the plants. Part II. Zinc 1
- Changes in the content of lead, zinc, copper and the organic substance in the light soils fertilized with sludge and their influence on the plants. Part IV. Mineralization of the organic substance of sludge and its influence on the solubility of heavy metals 1
- Changesin the content of proteins and aminoacids in wheat grain due to the use of herbicides in cultivation 1
- Changes in the floristic composition of the meadows in the Bystrzyca valley between 1926 and 1972 1
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