- Contribution to investigations on the scrapie 1
- Contribution to the study of the development of lactic acid bacteria in fermenting cucambers 1
- Contribution to the study on the body conformation of the black and white lowland cattle in west Poland 1
- Controlled release of water-soluble astaxanthin from carboxymethyl cellulose/gelatin and octenyl succinic anhydride starch/gelatin blend films 1
- Copper and cobalt content in the grassłand sails cf the region of the Wieprz—Krzna canal 1
- Copper forms in soils of the Łęczna–Włodawa lakeland 1
- Coprological investigations of endoparasites of dogs,cats end foxes originating in Lublin region 1
- Cordamination of soil and air by fur-bearing animal farms 1
- Corrections to some factors influencing the body weight of lambs reared by mothers in the Bezek flock 1
- Correlalion between natural death rate of Varroa jacobsoni females and intensity of invasion in bee colonies 1
- Correlation between milking capacity of dams and growth of lambs as a selective factor 1
- Correlation between some blood indices in heifers of the polish red breed and their milk production during first lactation 1
- Correlation between the concentration of some components in soil profiles and the configuration of the terrain 1
- Correlation between the occurence of Mn, Fe, Co and Zn in the soil, pasturablevegetation and blood of milk cattle on the example of two physiographicallydifferentiated localities of the Lublin province 1
- Correlation between the occurrence of rendzina soils in the Lublin upland and the action of water erosion 1
- Correlation between the yield of flax fibre and the typology, fertility and valuation class of soils 1
- Correlation between the yield of sugar beets and the reaction, resources of P2O5 and K2O and valuation classes of soils in the Kielce province 1
- Correlation of fatness characteristics in fattened pigs 1
- Correlations occurring between traits of slaughter value of horses 1
- Cost and energoabsorptiveness of pigs rearing in chosen farms 1
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