- The influence of the degree of pollination of black currant flowers (Ribes nigrum L.) on the number of seeds in fruits and its size 1
- The influence of the genotype of pig crosses and anatomic group of muscles on fatty acid contents and the cholesterol level at piglets barbecue class 1
- The influence of the hatching time upon maturity, egg-laying rate and winter egg-production in Polish greenlegs and Rhode Island reds 1
- The influence of the initial sprouting germination and nitric fertilization on the darkening of potato bulbs 1
- The influence of the intensity of cultivation on the yieldings of winter wheat and spring barley in crop-rotations of different proportions of cereals 1
- The influence of the intensity of feeding on weight increase and feed utilization in a pig of Puławy breed fattened for quick production of meat 1
- The influence of the long — time feeding the same sort of ration to ruminants on their power to digest it 1
- The influence of the manner of seedling production on the quantity and quality of leaf yield of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) 1
- The influence of the modes of cultivating the soil on the yielding of plants and the quality of strawberry fruit 1
- The Influence of the poultry farm on physicochemical properties of ground water 1
- The influence of the proximity of forest on the occurrence of hemiptera-heteroptera on potatces, as exemplified by materials from Wandzin 1
- The influence of the soil reaction and nutrient availability and the age of the plantation on the yields of hops 1
- The influence of the spacing and the periods of planting softwood cuttings on their rooting and some physiological indicators 1
- The Influence of the spring and autumn seasons of the year on the quality of underground water 1
- The influence of the storage time on the sprouting of sida seeds (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) 1
- The influence of the time of picking the first outgrowth cut on the yield of a few species of grass and meadow clover in pure sowings and mixtures 1
- The influence of the time of the harvesting on the changes in the composition of amino acid protein and dietary fiber in sida green fodder (Sida hermaphrodita Rusby) 1
- The influence of the trunk height on yielding of sour cherry cultivar North Star 1
- The influence of the type of birth of ewes on their productivity in the flock 1
- The influence of the type of substratum on utilization of macrocomponents, exemplified by tomatoes and cucumbers 1
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