- Effect of sida hermaphrodita Rusby on soil microorganisms 1
- Effect of simplifications in pre-winter and spring cultivation on weed-infestation of vegetables 1
- Effect of sires on the level of reproduction indexes in selected studs of Małopolski horses 1
- Effect of soil type on the yield and chemical content of melissa (Melissa officinalis L.) herb 1
- Effect of some agronomical practices on the yield and quality of tobacco 1
- Effect of some agrotechnic factors on emergence, growth and yield of parsley, cultivated on soil subject to puddling. Part II. Growth and yield of leaves 1
- Effect of some agrotechnic factors on emergence, growth and yield of parsley, cultivated on soil subject to puddling. Part III. Yield of roots and its structure 1
- Effect of some agrotechnic factors on emergence, growth and yield of parsley, cultivated on soil subject to puddling. Part I. Plant emergence 1
- Effect of some agrotechnic factors on emergence, growth and yield of parsley, cultivated on soil subject to puddling. Part IV. Quality features of roots 1
- Effect of some selected herbicidal preparations on weeds and the inflorescence quality of the (Lonas annua L. Vines et Druce) 1
- Effect of sowing date and plants spacing on emergence, growth and blooming of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) 1
- Effect of sowing density on the yield and structure elements of winter wheat 1
- Effect of sowing depth on plant characteristics and yield of faba bean green seeds 1
- Effect of sowing rate on the yields of ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) 1
- Effect of state production hydrogels addition to peat substrate on yield and quality of lettuce fed with N-NO₃ or N-NH₄. Part II. Content in the leaves of certain organic and mineral substances 1
- Effect of state production hydrogels addition to peat substrate on yield and quality of lettuce fed with N-NO₃ or N-NH₄. Part I. Yielding and gas exchange of plants 1
- Effect of static mechanical loads of the sowing material on the growth and yielding of spring wheat 1
- Effect of storage conditions on seed germination and seed colonization by Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel (Botrytis cinerea Pers.) of some ornamental plants 1
- Effect of stubble intercrop and cereal crop rotation on the yielding and weed infestation of spring harley 1
- Effect of substrates with sawdust on yielding of greenhouse tomato 1
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