- The effect of the working speed of Alina harvester for the harvest of carrot on the losses and damage of the roots 2
- The effect of top dressing with nitrogen on the yielding of certain plants cultivated on the eroded loess area 1
- The effect of transport and acclimatization on changes in the pituitary gland of the monkey 1
- The effect of two levels of nitrogen fertilization on the yielding of certain varieties of spring wheat. Part I 1
- The Effect of udder insufflation in cows on the activity of glutamie-oxalacetic transaminae (GOT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and aldolase (ALD) in blood serum 1
- The Effect of vagotomy on some ruminant organs (sheep, cow). Part IV. The Functional condition of the liver after experimental vagotomyn sheep 1
- The Effect of Varroa jacobsoni Oud. on the incidence and Course of chalkbrooddisease in Apis mellifera L. Colonies 1
- The effect of vitamin C and soyabeano il on total lipids levels in heart, digestive tube wall and blood serum in chickens 1
- The effect of β-2 adrenoreceptor agonist clenbuterol on the protease synthesis in glandular stomach of chickens 1
- The effects of deep loosening of soil on a loess slope 1
- The Effects of feeding, fasting and exogenous insulin on the biliary removal of insulin in sheep 1
- The effects of food increased protein and lipid incorporate J¹³¹ through thyroid 1
- The effects of inbred in the range of certain productions traits of the borowińska ewes 1
- The effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the seed bank of a Centaureo-Cynosuretum in the Somerset Levels, England 1
- The effects of seed sowing date and size of pots on quality of transplants and yield of early leeks 1
- The efficacy of polyfungine derivatives in the treatment of yeast mastitis in cows 1
- The Efficiency of Ketonix and Neopropiovet in preventive treatment and therapy of subclinicalketosis in dairy cows 1
- The efficiency of localized mineral fertilization of light tobacco grown in a belt-like row structure 1
- The efficiency of nitric fertilization of the meadows of post-swampy habitats of the Wieprz-Krzna canal area 1
- The efficiency of raising sheep in individual farms with differentiated systems of feeding 1
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