- Dwupostaciowość płciowa w rozwoju zarodka kury 1
- Dynamic of changes of species composition of meadow-mixtures on pea-muck soil in the condition of long-term utilisation 1
- Dynamic of development of different groups of microorganisms in the municipal sewage sediment under the cultivation of certain plants 1
- Dynamics of homocytotropic antibodies in the course of experimental Fasciola hepatica invasion in sheep and cattle and a trial of allergic diagnosis of fascioliasis 1
- Dynamics of mineral forms of nitrogen in the soils as affected by application of keratine-bark-urea granulate 1
- Dynamics of moisture in arable and woodland soils formed from sand 1
- Dynamics of natural plant growth on the slope of an earth dump at Piaseczno 1
- Dynamics of nitrates in the soil under various plants cropped in rotation systems 1
- Dynamics of potassium and sodium in the soil and vegetation from meadows fertilized with municipal sewage 1
- Dynamics of size development of the population of the aphididae preying on Ribes aureum Pursch. in the academic park of Lublin 1
- Dynamics of the appearance of aphides on Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. in Lublin 1
- Dynamics of the chemical content and properties in the sandy soil fertilized with the sewage from Lublin 1
- Dynamics of the development of some microorganism groups during ensiling the rumen content 1
- Dynamics of the development of various groups of microorganisms in Jerusalem artichoke silage 1
- Dynamics of the growth of root mass and above-ground mass of triticale in comparison with winter rye and winter wheat on grey-podzolic soil formed from loesses 1
- Dynamika azotanów w glebie pod różnymi roślinami uprawianymi w płodozmianach 1
- Dynamika dojrzewania i plonowanie fasoli tycznej Piękny Jaś 1
- Dynamika liczebnego rozwoju populacji mszyc żerujących na Ribes aureum Pursch. w parku akademickim w Lublinie 1
- Dynamika mineralnych form azotu w glebach pod wpływem stosowania granulatu keratyno-koro-mocznikowego 1
- Dynamika plonowania i zawartość suchej masy w owocach pomidorów w zależności od zastosowanych herbicydów 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 1461-1480 z 7951