- Experimental studies on brucellosis of cattle from the point of view of sanitary-veterinary classification 1
- Experimental studies on crezoform and bioval 1
- Experimental studies on localization of the nervous centres in the lactiferous gland of the cow 1
- Experimental studies on localization of the nervous centres of cervix uteri in the cow 1
- Experimental studies on the cells of active mesenchyme of the thyroid gland 1
- Experimental studies on the Reticulo-endothelial system of the parathyroid gland 1
- Experiments on fattening of food animals 1
- Experiments on „productive” vernalization of sugar and forage beets 1
- Experiments on sex modification in cocks during their embryonal development 1
- Experiments on the action of „Karbolin” on the larvae Lecianum corni Bouché 1
- Experiments on the determination of the digestibility-coefficients of some fodder-substitutes for horses 1
- Experiments on the influence of inbreeding on the percentage of fertilization and percentage of hatch of eggs from hens fed differently than cocks 1
- Experiments on the recovery of hatchability of eggs stored for a long period 1
- Experiments with some varieties of winter-sown barley in the Lublin district 1
- Expression analysis of genes involved in sesquiterpene lactones biosynthesis in the Chamisso arnica (Arnica chamissonis Less.) – MINIATURA 5 – research data 1
- Expression of the mitochondrial bcl-2 oncoprotein and CD 95 on lymphocytes in B chronic lymphocytic leukaemia 1
- Extensivenessa nd intensiveness of Toxocara spp. invasion in carnivoresfrom the Lublin Region 1
- Exterieur and utility characteristics of hucul horses attending breeding championship 1
- Exterior qualities and milking efficiency of the Polish black and white cows and those of hiXbw crossbreeds kept in average environmental conditions 1
- Extracellular enzymes in the genus Bacillus 1
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