- Feasibility of winter cultivation of cabbage as shown by experiments conducted in Skierniewice 1
- Feeding and food contamination, and human health 1
- Feeding efficiency of cows on large farms 1
- Feeding efficiency of pigs on individual farms 1
- Feeding of cows on individual farms as compared with the Norm of Feeding Farm Animals 1
- Feeding of dairy cows by French system INRA 1988 1
- Feeding of dairy cows with different protein and energy level in diets 1
- Feeding value of grass from meadows of the upper section of the Tyśmienica River, in the region of the Wieprz – Krzna Canal 1
- Feline urologic syndrome( SUK). Sonographic findings 1
- Fenologia ostrożenia polnego w zasiewach bobiku 1
- Fenologia owocowania niektórych gatunków chwastów w zasiewach wybranych roślin uprawnych 1
- Fenotyp limfocytów krwi obwodowej i płynu oskrzelowo-pęcherzykowego (BAL) u chorych na sarkoidozę 1
- Fermentative activity in apple juices of different concentration of the extract 1
- Fertility and productivity of cows in a herd of the lowland black and white cows during 10 years 1
- Fertility and salubrity in three lactations of the F1(hf x bw) and he b-w cows reared in the grazing and the stabled systems 1
- Fertility of some species of ruderal weeds 1
- Fertility of the soils of the Experimental Station Turka 1
- Fertilization of winter wheat and spring barley as a yield-producing factor on the eroded soils formed from loess in the light of many years of investigations 1
- Fertilizing power of some new phosphorus fertilizers 1
- Fibres of the dorsal roots of spinal nerves Th 8-13 in the spinal cord and spinal bulb of the sheep 1
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