- Florystyczna i krajobrazowa charakterystyka łąk przymorskich 1
- Florystyczna i rolnicza charakterystyka łąk Carici-Agrostietum caninae w dorzeczu Łabuńki 1
- Florystyczne zróżnicowanie zbiorowisk roślinności łąkowej rzędu Molinietalia w dorzeczu Łabuńki 1
- Flower attractiveness of six tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L.) cultivars and some traits of flower stem structure 1
- Flower characteristics and nectar production of (Cotoneaster hjelmqvistii) 1
- Flowering and nectar secretion in flowers of fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) 1
- Flowering and pod setting of faba bean (Vicia faba L. var. major Harz.) depending on nitrogen fertilization 1
- Flowering and pollen efficiency of four meadow-rue species (Thalictrum L.) 1
- Flowering biology and pollen flow of three species from genus Salvia L.. 1
- Flowering biology, nectar and pollen production of three perennial species from the Saxifragaceae family 1
- Flowering biology, nectar productiona nd insect visits in four Philadelphus L. species (Saxifragaceae) 1
- Flowering biology of Ruta graveolens L. 1
- Flowering of selected succulent species from Asclepiadaceae family 1
- Flowering of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) under conditions of zinc excess 1
- Fluid of hydatid cysts as initial material for recovery of leucocytosis-promoting factor 1
- Fodder and extra fodder role of the meadows in the Pyszna river valley 1
- Fodder beet and sweet lupin seeds in dairy cows feeding 1
- Fodder value of grass mixture on sheep pastures in the conditions of differentiated nitric fertilization 1
- Fodder value of the undergrowth of yellow trisetum (Trisetetumf lavescentis) meadows of the Por valley 1
- Foetal haemoglobin in lambs, studied in experiments with exchange transfusion 1
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