- Studies on the application of an agarose-gel precipitation test for the identification of Ascosphaera apis 1
- Studies on the application of herbicides in a young apple-tree orchard 1
- Studies on the application of various doses of Simazin in a black currant nursery 1
- Studies on the biological action of cinnarizine 1
- Studies on the biological and economical basis for determining the period at which piglets should be weaned 1
- Studies on the biology of insects infesting some medicinal herbs 1
- Studies on the blood metabolic profile of sheep kept in the region of Pobuże Zachodnie 1
- Studies on the carriers of Streptoccoci equi 1
- Studies on the character of biological interaction of compounds in a derivative series of RCS2R1 CO2H and NH- radical substitutes carbamates towards selected plant bioindicators 1
- Studies on the chronic toxicity of m-Bromophenylsuccinimide in Dogs 1
- Studies on the clinical value of the examination of blood in tuberculosis of cattle 1
- Studies on the composition of proteolytic enzymes of gastrie juice in sheep. Part II. Isolation of proteases and their activity in gastric juice of sheep 1
- Studies on the composition of proteolytic enzymes of the specific gastric juice of sheep. I. The influence of the alkalinization of gastric juice on its proteolytic activity 1
- Studies on the concentration of sulfamethazine in the blood of domestic animals (horse, cow, sheep, pig, dog and poultry) 1
- Studies on the course and treatment with detreomycin (chloramphenicol) of mastitis in cows produced experimentally with the use of Escherichia coli 1
- Studies on the course of swine influenza epizooty in the State Agricultural Farms in Pomerania in the years 1948-49 1
- Studies on the crop and weed infestation of plants in monoculture. Part III. Maize 1
- Studies on the crop and weed infestation of plants in monoculture. Part II. Spring barley 1
- Studies on the crop and weed infestation of plants in monoculture. Part I. Potato 1
- Studies on the cultivation of new medicinal plants species 1
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