- Sanitary value of raw milk from the central and eastern regions of differentiated degree of environment contamination in Poland I. Microbiological impurities and contribution of mastitis milk 1
- Sarcosporidiosis of slaughterous animals 1
- Schematy doświadczeń bloków losowych i rozszczepionych poletek z roślinami wieloletnimi 1
- Schorzenia przemiany węglowodanowo-tłuszczowej u przeżuwaczy / 1
- Ścieki z zakładów mięsnych i możliwości ograniczenia ich negatywnych cech sensorycznych 1
- "Screening" aktywności enzymatycznej terenowych szczepów Microsporum canis 1
- Screening of the enzymatic activity of microsporum canis Field Strains 1
- Search 1
- Searching for microorganisms antagonistic towards Fusarium oxysporum no. 24 in lentil rhizosphere 1
- Seasonal and annual variation of urtica pollen concentration in the air in Lublin 1
- Seasonal changes in species composition of clover-grass sward under pasture utilization conditions 1
- Seasonal changes in the peripheral blood in sheep 1
- Seasonal changes of commodity milk quality in Lublin region 1
- Seasonality of production and milk quality in the Świętokrzyskie region 1
- Season and cooling method vs. milk commercial quality 1
- Secretion, resorption and nectar chemistry of greater butterfly orchid Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. (Orchidaceae) 1
- Seedling emergence and plant growth of onions grown for sets obtained from seeds with lower germination capacity 1
- Sekrecja, resorbcja i skład chemiczny nektaru podkolana zielonawego Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. (Orchidaceae) 1
- Selected blood indices for cows with disorders of perinatal period kept in an area of mineral deficiencies 1
- Selected genetic conditions of heat and pregnancy lengths in purebred Arabian mares 1
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