- Investigation on the utilization of the distillery residne 1
- Investigationos of the yielding and botanical composition of the greennes growth of pasture sown with different mixtures and intensively fertilized with dungstead 1
- Investigations of productiveness of triticale, wheat and rye. Part I. Basic parameters of the analysis of plant growth of selected forms of triticale, wheat and rye 1
- Investigations of productiveness of triticale, wheat and rye. Part II. Comparison of selected forms of triticale, wheat and rye with regard to indicators characteristic of the period of grain filling 1
- Investigations of the antibiotic properties of actinomycetes isolated from compost heaps with nitrogen compounds added and from control heaps, in relation to bacteria of the genera Salmonella, Streptococcus and Clostridium 1
- Investigations of the biological activity of clofibrinic acid 1
- Investigations of the contents of SH groups in the blood serum of hens of pure breed and in two-sided hybrids 1
- Investigations of the effect of the saliva on the healing process of experimental wounds treated as open wounds 1
- Investigations of the local varieties of onions in the Lublin region. Part III. Yield and quality of onions grown from seed 1
- Investigations of the local varieties of onions in the Lublin region. Part II. Quantity and quality of the yield of dry onion sets 1
- Investigations on botanical varietes of Festuca rubra L. 1
- Investigations on diagnosing hog cholera by means of the precipitation reaction in agar gel 1
- Investigations on factors controlling fertility of the coypu. Part II. Attempts at determining the potential fertility, based on histological studies of the ovary 1
- Investigations on hydrogenic soils in the valley of the Huczwa near Werbkowice 1
- Investigations on magnesium fertilization of apple-tree orchards with different methods of soil cultivation 1
- Investigations on native populations of white clover (Trifalium repens L.) 1
- Investigations on nitrogen feeding of soybean (Glicyne hispida) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 1
- Investigations on phase duration of mitotic cell division in vitro. Part I. The relationship between the duration of phases of mitosis and the chemical composition of the medium 1
- Investigations on phytoestrogens of Polish varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense) and of alfalfa (Medicago sativa). I. Studies of the oestrogenic activity of T. pratense and M. sativa. II. Chromatographic and spectrophotometric analysis of oestrogenic compounds of T. pratense and M. sativa 1
- Investigations on phytoestrogens of Polish varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense) and of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). I. Studies of the oestrogenic activity of T. pratense and M. sativa. II. Chromatographic and spectrophotometric analysis of oestrogenic compounds of T. pratense and M. sativa 1
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