- Investigations on qualitative determination of glycogen and lactic acid in fish meat with regard to its resistance to the processes of decomposition 1
- Investigations on soybean in pure sowing and in mixtures. Part I. The cultivation of soybean in pure sowing 1
- Investigations on the behaviour of dogs after vagatomy performed on various sections of the vagus nerve 1
- Investigations on the composition of the fraction of free amino acids in leguminous plants fed by different forms of nitrogen 1
- Investigations on the content of carotene and axerophthol in blood plasma and milk of polish red and frisian cows 1
- Investigations on the content of soluble boron in typical soils of the Lublin Upland 1
- Investigations on the course of the live weight increase and on the feed requirement and utilization in the Polish red cattle 1
- Investigations on the degeneration of seed potatoes in the north-eastern region of the Lublin voivodeship 1
- Investigations on the duration of the stages of mitotic division, based on observations in vitro. Part II: Correlation between the length of the phases of mitosis and the age of the cultures in hanging-drop smears 1
- Investigations on the esterases of Bacillus larvae 1
- Investigations on the healing process of perforating rumen wounds in cattle 1
- Investigations on the hemolytie strains of Bacterium coli isolated from pigs 1
- Investigations on the importance of enterococci in the hygiene of milk 1
- Investigations on the influence of general anesthesia in pigs caused by intravenous administration of chloral hydrate and eunarcon on acid-base equilibrium in blood and on the changes in the Level of some electrolytes in serum 1
- Investigations on the influence of the concentration of saccharose in solutions used for autumn feeding of bee colonies on the quantity and quality of the food stored by them and on the condition of bees and their hibernation 1
- Investigations on the leaf roller — Archips rosana L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) occurring on black currant (Ribes nigrum L.), red currant (Ribes rubrum L.) and gooseberry (Ribes grossularia L.) in the environs of Lublin in the years 1956—1961 1
- Investigations on the local varieties of onions in the Lublin region. Part I. Morphological characterization and assessment of the varieties grown from dry sets 1
- Investigations on the microbiological and chemical composition of dungstead of cattle and swine 1
- Investigations on the occurrence, course and treatment of dental caries in cattle 1
- Investigations on the organic substance in typical soils of the Lublin upland. Part II: Rendzinas and ”pseudorendzinas” 1
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