- 10 Years of scientific cooperation between the Institute of Honey Bee Sciences in Oberursel andDepartment of Bee Pathology, Veterinary Faculty of the Agricultural Academy in Lublin 1
- 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3-DPG) changes in erythrocytes of cows during pregnancy 1
- 40-lecie Zakładu Anatomii Zwierząt Akademii Rolniczej w Lublinie(1944—1984) 1
- 40 Years of the Department of Animals Anatomy at the Agricultural Academyin Lublin (1944—1984) 1
- 50 lat Sekcji Annales UMCS 1
- 50 years of the Annales UMCS Section 1
- 55-lecie Wydziału Medycyny Weterynaryjnej w Lublinie 1
- 70-lecie urodzin prof. dr. hab. dr h.c. Ewalda Sasimowskiego 1
- 70-lecie urodzin prof. dr. hab. Zygmunta Surdackiego 1
- 70th birthday of professor Ewald Sasimowski 1
- 70th birthday of professor Zygmunt Surdacki 1
- 70 years jubilee of birth and of research and didactic work of Professor Janusz Trautman 1
- Aberracje chromosomowe u zarodków kurzych w rodzinach z rozwojowymi wadami kręgosłupa 1
- Ablegen der Eier von Varroa jacobsoni-Weibchen auf die Bienen- und Drohnenbrut in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien 1
- Abstract wholesome assessment of different harvesting technologies and hay management 1
- A case of angiosarcoma of vaginal portion of the uterus 1
- A case of Bowens disease of the cornea 1
- A case of developmental deformity of vertebral in a pig 1
- A case of ectopic pregnancy complicated by an ovarian cyst 1
- A case of endometriosis in a postoperative scar 1
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