- A case of genuine iris-atrophy 1
- Ą case of periodical bleedings from the lungs coincident with the menses with a coexisting pulmonary tuberculosis 1
- A case of pregnancy in the radimentary uterine horn 2
- A case of the arrhenoblastoma of the ovary 1
- A case of traumatic ruptur of hydronephrosis 1
- Accumulation of mineral components in the seedlings of Triticale after application of ethephon (Flordimex) and calcium ions 1
- Accumulation of reducing sugars in the wheat and triticale seedlings after application of CCC, etephon and calcium ions 1
- ACHE and BuChE activity in the structure of hippocampal formation in cattle 1
- ACHE i BuChE activity in the structures of area septalis in the cow 1
- Achievements of separate breeders in Polish National Arabian Horse Shows in the years 1979-1995 1
- Acid-base balance and electrocardiographic examinations of dogs in the course of neuroleptanalgesia, dissociation anaesthesia and inhalation narcosis 1
- A comparative analysis of reproduction in dexes of the elite Małopolski and Wielkopolski mares 1
- A comparative assessment of chosen disinfecting preparations in relation to E. coli strains isolated from a sheep mammary gland in vitro examination 1
- A comparative chromatographic analysis with HPLC of the content of phenolic acids occurring in two varieties of dittany (Dictamnus Albus cv. Albiflorus and cv. Rosa Purple) 1
- A comparative estimation of myelination of the spinocerebellar tracts in the pig 1
- A comparative study on the growth before weaning of single and twin lambs of the Merino-precoce-breed 1
- A comparative study on the influence exerted by chirurgical and by hormonal caponization on the morphology, growth and efficiency of feed utilization in greenleg cocks 1
- A comparative study on the influence exerted by surgical caponization and long-continued treatment with oestrogen on the histological structure of the pituitary glands, thyroids and testes in cocks 1
- A comparative study on the quality of greenleg, leghorn and sussex eggs 1
- A comparison of chemical composition of sunflower, sida and alfalfa 1
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