- Repeatability of movement indexes in purebred young Arabian horses 1
- Reproduction coefficients and biometric dimensions depending on inbred level at half-bred mares in the horse stud at Kalników 1
- Reproduction coefficients of Małopolska mares and stallions including the level of inbred. I. Breeding Małopolska horses in state-owned stud 1
- Reproduction coefficients of Małopolska mares and stallions including the level of inbred. II. Małopolska horses of regional breeding 1
- Reproduction efficiency of leading sires in some studs of reproduction of Małopolski horses 1
- Reproduction in ewes of two genotypes and growth rate of their lambs as affected by feeding regimes 1
- Reproduction results of different fur colour varieties in chinchilla 1
- Reproductive and biometric indices of hucul mares with respect to male and female lines 1
- Reproductive and fattening performance of crossbreeds: Polish Large White, Puławski and Duroc 1
- Reproductive indexes of breeding mares at the Podkarpacki region 1
- Reproductive indices depending on the inbred level in hucul horses 1
- Reproductive indices in hucul mares with respect to the breeding system 1
- Reproductive performance and the reasons for rejecting duroc boars 1
- Reproductive performance of the Polish white lop-eared sows depending on the number of piglets in a litter they come from 1
- Reproductive results of purebred Arabian horses from the Janów Podlaski Stud in the years 1975-1985 1
- Reproductive utilization of purebred Arabian mares put to stud after racing trials 1
- Reproductive utilization of stallions in the Polish breeding of Arab pure-breeds in the years 1966—1984 1
- Research on obtained pectinous preparations. Part II. Research on obtaining low-esterified apple pectin 1
- Research on obtained pectinous preparations. Part I. The technology of the production of pectin of a medium degree of esterification 1
- Research on the correlation between the weight of eggs and the weight chickens hatched therefrom 1
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